Bob Frisk
The best sports quotes of the year, according to Bob Frisk (with a little help from his friends)Dec 30, 2019 12:00 am - Welcome to another edition of Bob Frisk's annual column on the best quotes from the world of sports. For Bob, it's a culmination of his dedication and persistence to co...
Bob Frisk looks back at some of the best Sports quotes of 2018Dec 24, 2018 12:00 am - I'm back - for one day. I marched - slowly - past my 82nd birthday in June with relative ease, and today marks my annual return to the Daily Herald. After retiring in De...
Quote, Unquote: Bob Frisk's best sports quotes of 2017Dec 28, 2017 12:00 am - Yes, it's that time again. I'm back. For one day. Some habits are hard to break even at age 81. You're looking at one today. I am not coming out of retirement, that wond...
Quote & Unquote: A look at the best lines from a wild 2016Dec 26, 2016 4:30 am - Good morning! Yes, I'm back. For one day. Where did the year go? I celebrated my 80th birthday with relative ease in June, and my grandson Mark started college in Septem...
Bob Frisk: A passage in time as grandson graduates from high schoolJun 03, 2016 5:30 am - Dear Mark, Grandson, did I miss a month? Or two or three or four or more? Where did all the years go? You can't possibly be 18 and ready to graduate on Saturday, June 11...
A year of insightful and ridiculous sports quotesDec 25, 2015 4:30 am - Yes, I have returned. For one day. Where did the year go? I retired in 2008 after 50 years in the sports department with Paddock Publications, but some habits are very ...
Bob Frisk: Best Sports Quotes of 2014Dec 26, 2014 4:30 am - Good morning. I am back. For one day. When I retired in 2008 after 50 years with the Daily Herald, I retired from writing. I was exhausted from all those years in front ...
Bob Frisk on the year’s best quotes in sportsDec 24, 2013 5:16 pm - I’m back. Yes, it’s another annual reunion with readers of this newspaper, my home for 50 years until retirement in 2008. Just showing up in this space once a year is a ...
Bob Frisk’s favorite sports quotes of 2012Dec 28, 2012 9:08 am - The calendar doesn’t lie. Another year has raced by in my fourth year of retirement from the Daily Herald. That calendar also brings me to what you see here today. When ...
Bob Frisk’s favorite sports quotes of 2012Dec 27, 2012 10:57 am - The calendar doesn’t lie. Another year has raced by in my fourth year of retirement from the Daily Herald. That calendar also brings me to what you see here today. When ...
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