
Palatine American Legion seeks donations for sailors' Thanksgiving dinner

American Legion Post 690 in Palatine is seeking donations for its Adopt-A-Sailor dinner, when sailors from Great Lakes Naval Station will visit the Legion hall for a Thanksgiving dinner.

"This year, we are once again opening the American Legion on Thanksgiving Day to those that are actively serving our country," said Sue Hallsten, project chair. "With Great Lakes Naval Station being so close, we are bringing a bus load of recruits to the Legion and providing them with a day of thanks."

Since these sailors will not be able to enjoy the holiday with their families, the Legion will be providing dinner, a day of activities and the ability to call home for however long they desire.

The American Legion family is asking the community to help financially support this dinner. Checks made payable to the American Legion with a notation of Adopt-A-Sailor can be sent to the American Legion, Attention: Adopt-A-Sailor, 122 W. Palatine Road, Palatine, IL 60067. Donations also can be made online through PayPal using the Donate button at All donations will receive a letter for tax deductions.

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