
Frightful weather! Snow and bitter wind chills in store for trick-or-treaters

Snow flurries and wind chills are the tricks Mother Nature has in store for most of the suburbs on Halloween, according to forecasts from the National Weather Service in Romeoville.

Snow showers are likely during the daytime, though the threat should be over by early evening.

Expect temperatures in the 30s and the potential for wind chills to make it feel like it's in the upper teens, according to forecasts. Wind gusts could reach up to 35 mph in some places.

Temperatures will ultimately climb into the 50s later this week, forecasts show.

American Academy of Pediatrics spokesperson Dr. Alison Tothy advised parents to get creative with layers to keep youngsters warm on Halloween.

"The key here is, most kids want to wear their Halloween costume and they don't want to cover it up," said Tothy, a parent and Chicago-based pediatrician.

"So figure out ways to wear it over warm clothes," she said. "Putting a costume over a winter jacket would be ideal," as well as encouraging hats and gloves.

With younger children "pay attention to how cold they're getting," Tothy said. She suggested taking breaks in frigid weather: "Go one block, and then back home and warm up, and then do another block."

With the wintry forecast, the right footwear is important to prevent falls.

"Remember it's probably going to be dark out, so you already have to be careful where you're walking," Tothy noted.

AAP experts warned that pedestrian injuries are more likely on Halloween than any other night.

Parents and older children should be aware of their surroundings and wear reflectors with dark clothing, Tothy recommended.

"It's nighttime and excitement builds," she said. "Just because pedestrians have the right of way, don't assume cars are going to stop."

• Daily Herald Staff Writer Marni Pyke contributed to this report.

Snow showers and wind gusts are in store of trick-or-treaters this Halloween, according to forecasts from the National Weather Service office in Romeoville. Daily Herald File Photo/2013
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