
BBB offers tips on how to avoid charity scammers related to Israel, Palestinian territories

The Better Business Bureau on Friday urged anyone interested in donating toward relief efforts in Israel and Palestinian territories to be vigilant to avoid being duped by scammers.

The group said con artists will create fraudulent websites, imposter social media posts and fake emails and texts to take people's money, credit card information and bank account numbers.

“Scammers love to take advantage of situations where emotions are high and good people want to help others who are dealing with a major tragedy,” said Steve J. Bernas, Better Business Bureau president and CEO.

Among the steps the organization recommends prospective donors take are ensuring the charity seeking donations is legitimate, has experience providing emergency relief and is able to get the funds to affected areas.

The following charities are steering resources to people in Israel, Palestinian territories or both and have been vetted by the BBB's Wise Giving Alliance, a standards-based charity evaluator:

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee


Helping Hand for Relief and Development

International Rescue Committee

Islamic Relief USA

Jewish National Fund

Mennonite Central Committee

Oxfam America

Penny Appeal USA

Project HOPE

Save the Children

The list of vetted charities may be expanded over time, the bureau said.

More information about the BBB's Wise Giving Alliance can be found at

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