
With national conventions in the Midwest, interest grows in being a delegate

In less than a year, neighbors Chicago and Milwaukee will host conventions to nominate candidates for the next U.S. president - a geographic coincidence that's intensifying local interest in the 2024 election.

Party officials on both sides confirmed there's been a surge in potential delegate candidates for the Republican and Democratic conventions.

"Our local Republicans are very excited about having the RNC so close to home. For some of us it's faster to get to Milwaukee than to downtown Chicago," said Palatine Republican Aaron Del Mar, a former lieutenant governor candidate.

Meanwhile, at the United Center Tuesday, Democratic leaders played host to dozens of state party chairs and executive directors scoping out hotels and facilities for the estimated 50,000 visitors converging in Chicago Aug. 19-22.

"Welcome to my hometown," DNC Chair and Chicago native Minyon Moore told the crowd. "We are delighted to be back in Chicago."

Mississippi Democratic Party Chairman Cheikh Taylor was "impressed."

"This is probably the perfect location for the event. We can't wait to bring our 80 delegates with us to show what Chicago has to offer," he said.

The Chicago Bulls championship banners on display didn't hurt, either. "Michael Jordan was the epitome of basketball," Taylor said.

Taylor called the 2024 election "pivotal ... one of the most important of our lives."

Montana Democratic Party Executive Director Sheila Hogan predicted the event would "help get Democrats elected up and down the ballot."

It's not the United Center's first convention rodeo, said Executive Vice President Terry Savarise. Democrats nominated former President Bill Clinton for reelection in 1996 at the venue.

Now with President Joe Biden as the presumed nominee, "we are ready, we are eager, we're experienced and we're prepared," he said.

For suburban Democrats, "there is excitement about the convention being in Illinois," said Kristina Zahorik, Illinois Democratic County Chairs' Association president.

That translates into an increased interest in running as a delegate, she said.

Ditto for the GOP, said Bob Grogan, a committeeman with the Downers Grove Township Republican Organization.

"There is a huge interest in a bunch of the candidates," Grogan said. "I am hearing the top candidates have an overabundance of applicants for delegates' lists and are turning folks away."

Del Mar said that "many presidential campaigns have already locked in many of their delegates, especially (former President Donald) Trump, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, and (former South Carolina Gov.) Nikki Haley."

The RNC will take place July 15-18 in Milwaukee.

Venues: DNC was at United Center in 1996, too

Chicago to host 2024 Democratic National Convention

  Democratic state party chairs and executive directors from across the country visit the United Center Tuesday for a preview of the DNC in 2024. Marni Pyke/
  Democratic state party chairs from across the U.S., including Mississippi's Cheikh Taylor, visit the United Center Tuesday for a preview of the DNC in 2024. Marni Pyke/
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