
Amir Locke documentary screening set for Friday in Downers Grove

On Friday, the Tylerman International Social Awareness Film Festival will showcase the documentary "No Knock - No Charge? The Amir Locke Story" as a part of its noncompetitive series.

The screening is at 7 p.m. at the Classic Cinemas Tivoli Theatre, 5021 Highland Ave., in Downers Grove. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

The documentary, by film founder Andrew Tyler, speaks to the practice which prompted U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar to pen the Amir Locke End Deadly No-Knock Warrants Act. Andrew and his wife, Linda Tyler, who are executive producers, are Amir's uncle and aunt. Previously screened by the Department of Justice and members of the Minnesota Congress, this documentary is slated to be screened during the 2023 Congressional Black Caucus Conference.

The movie features Dr. Eric Michael Dyson, Minnesota congresswoman Ilhan Omar, attorneys Ben Crump and Jeff Storm, the Rev. Al Sharpton, U.S. Attorney General Merck Garland and others.

The festival continues Saturday and Sunday at Cantigny Park with films and a Saturday "Fireside Chat," moderated by Mia Hardy, dean of liberal arts at Oakton College. Mothers of the Movement will discuss "From Grief To Action," featuring Michelle Kenney, Valerie Bell, Allison Charles-Findley, Toshira Garraway, and the mother of Amir Locke, Karen Wells.

Sunday includes a "Fireside Chat" with Dyson and Andre Locke Sr., father of Amir Locke, alongside Marques Armstrong, moderated by Art Norman of NBC 5 Chicago.

More than 40 films will be shown over the weekend. Learn more and get tickets on

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