
10-year-old boy thrown from ride at Taste of Antioch injured jaw, face and leg

Boy who was thrown from carnival ride expected to survive

The 10-year-old boy who was thrown from a ride at the Taste of Antioch festival Sunday suffered multiple injuries to his jaw, face and to the bones in one leg, underwent surgery and is expected to survive, officials said Monday.

The boy, identified by a family member as Huntley, fell from an attraction Antioch officials called the "Moby Dick ride" around 2:40 p.m. Sunday and was airlifted first to Advocate Lutheran General in Park Ridge and then to Comer Children's Hospital in Chicago, where he had surgery, according to a news release from Antioch officials.

Robert Pohlman said his nephew fell from about 10 to 20 feet. Pohlman started a GoFundMe campaign for Huntley, which had raised more than $16,600 by Monday afternoon.

"My sister and his father will be out of work for a time that will make paying for the unknown amount of surgery my nephew will need, almost impossible," Pohlman wrote on the website.

Pohlman said any money left over will be saved for Huntley when he recovers.

Antioch Mayor Scott Gartner ordered the rides at the Taste of Antioch, an Antioch Chamber of Commerce-sponsored event, shut down after the boy was injured, officials said.

Village officials said the Illinois Department of Labor will conduct an independent investigation to determine if the boy's fall resulted from mechanical failure, operator error, or a combination thereof. According to the state, the Moby Dick ride was inspected this year and issued a permit to operate.

Antioch Police Chief Geoffrey Guttschow said his department also conducting an investigation.

"We will be working with the Lake County state's attorney to determine if any criminal charges will be appropriate under these circumstances," Guttschow said.

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