
Funds for new police cars, body cameras included in South Barrington's new budget

Money for new police cars and body cameras for officers is included in South Barrington's $13.1 million budget for the 2024 fiscal year.

So is cash for roadwork and other projects.

The village board approved the spending plan Wednesday. The fiscal year began May 1.

Spending is projected to increase about 10% from the previous year's $11.9 million total.

Officials set aside $160,000 in the budget for four new police patrol vehicles, Village Manager Robert Palmer said.

Additionally, body cameras to be worn by officers should run about $27,000.

Chief Thomas Roman expects the cameras will be in use by April 2024.

"We are currently looking into our options," he said. "We want to be sure we choose the right equipment so it's easy for the officers to use."

Elsewhere, $800,000 is budgeted for road resurfacing that will be done late this summer, Palmer said. Officials also set aside $100,000 to trim trees and plant new ones.

"Tree maintenance will be a big emphasis this year," Palmer said.

Revenue from taxes, fees and other sources is expected to be nearly $11.9 million this fiscal year. That's down about 1% from about $12 million last year.

The roughly $1.2 million gap between budgeted expenses and revenue will be covered by financial reserves, Palmer said.

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