
East Dundee to spray for spongy moth May 17

The village of East Dundee will be spraying for spongy moth on Wednesday, May 17.

It will be the first of two applications to combat a spongy moth infestation that has affected oak trees in the village. The spray will be applied by helicopter between approximately 6:30 and 10 a.m. A second application will occur within seven to 14 days later.

Spongy moth caterpillar infestations can defoliate and weaken trees. The spray includes a bacterium found on leaves and in the soil. It affects caterpillars and butterflies that are feeding at the time of application.

Though the spray being used is considered one of the safest pest control methods by the Illinois Department of Agriculture, the village said residents may wish to remain indoors for 10 minutes after the spray has been applied.

Additional information about the village's spongy moth treatment program can be found at the village's website.

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