
Jillian Rose Bernas Garcia: 2023 candidate for Schaumburg Township District Library Board


Town: Schaumburg

Age on Election Day: 40

Occupation: Manager of External Affairs

Employer: Architecture and Engineering Firm

Previous offices held: President, Schaumburg Township District Library - 2021 to present, Vice-President/Secretary, Schaumburg Township District Library - 2019 to 2021, Trustee, Schaumburg Township District Library - 2015 to present


Q: Why are you running for the library board, whether for re-election or election the first time? Is there a particular issue that motivates you?

A: Most everything that is done in our Township is because a neighbor stepped forward and volunteered their time. I want to live in a great community and work to be a good neighbor through my service to our Schaumburg Township District Library. The very same thing that motivated me to run in the first place eight years ago motivates me now to run for reelection. I see my role on the Board of Trustees as being a voice for my community and an advocate for the taxpayers in our Township. I am charged with approving a budget that respects taxpayer resources and overseeing policies that govern the library and make it a great place for community members. Our Library is run by outstanding professionals that care deeply about their vocation and provide important services to the community. I serve on the Board as a community member so that great ideas stay within budget and serve our community while correctly stewarding our dollars.

Q: Has your library seen a significant shift in the use of online materials? Has it adequately bolstered and promoted its online collection?

A: We say that we have four branches at the Schaumburg Township District Library, Central, Hanover Park, Hoffman Estates, and our E-Library. Our Library was well equipped when the pandemic hit and revealed various weaknesses in other institutions. We had advanced the work of bringing resources and programs online well before there was an acute need for them. Online services were being provided because there was always a need within our community for them. Our Library does a fantastic job of identifying and responding to patron needs. You will see that online services and learning is important to us by the placement of our E-Library pages as one of four options at the top of our website landing page. I invite you to explore the E-Library resources at by selecting the E-Library tab. I also want to acknowledge that these tools are made possible by very skilled members of our personnel that regularly look for ways to make our user experience better.

Q: What do you see as the future of role of libraries in the electronic age? How well prepared is your library for meeting that role? What new steps must the library begin taking?

A: Our Library operates under a strategic plan so that our everyday actions get us closer to long-term results. In 2021, we reevaluated our strategic plan and have three strategic directions, Connected, Future Ready and Agile. We have a plan that you can see at You may have already started to see changes. For example, you no longer need to renew your library card since we have data about patrons moving in and out of the Township. We installed lockers outside for patrons to pick up materials on their schedule. We extended the Wi-Fi signal to the parking lot for patrons that need service from their cars. These are just some of the many ways that make it easier to access our materials and services as we work to be more Connected, Future Ready and Agile. Additionally, we carefully monitor the infrastructure that makes being connected electronically possible and budget for when it needs to be replaced. Our Library is leading in its preparedness for a digital future.

Q: If you are an incumbent, describe your main contributions. Tell us of important initiatives you've led. If you are a non-incumbent, tell us what contributions you would make.

A: Over my tenure, our five-star Library has anticipated the future and planned for it. In addition to the strategic plan that I led as the chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, we are leading our Library into the future by updating our policies. We are now a fine free library, meaning you are not fined for missing a due date, and we have automatic renewal if the materials are not on hold. We recognize that life happens and reevaluated some of these punitive policies. We also prepared a handbook to clearly outline the benefits and rights that our personnel are guaranteed. In this process, we were able to improve and clarify policies. We can provide a high level of service because we have skilled professionals working to make that happen. We exceed high standards for developing quality services, manage our community resources to improve important infrastructure and upgrade our Library for the future while operating within our means. I am proud of our Library, and I hope you are too.

Q: Do you have a library card? How long have you had it? How often do you use it?

A: I have had a Schaumburg Township District Library card my whole life. I was born and raised here in Schaumburg and learned to read at the former location on Library Lane. I grew up in this community and benefitted from the many library services through the years for book reports, research projects, and college textbooks as a student to job searches, audiobooks, and travel guides as a professional. Now my husband and I take joy in bringing our children to the library to attend programs, check out books and activities, play in the Enchanted Forest and explore online learning. I am working to make sure future generations have similar advantages through my service to our Library.

Q: Describe your experience working in a group setting to determine policy. What is your style in such a setting to reach agreement? Explain how you think that will be effective in producing effective actions and decisions of your library board.

A: I hold various leadership positions in the community. I am the current President of the Schaumburg Township Library Board, Chair of the Township of Schaumburg Mental Health Committee and President of the Schaumburg A.M. Rotary Club. I have learned so much in these leadership roles, however, the style I bring to these positions was first learned in my career as a middle school teacher. First, I do not assume that everyone has the same base knowledge. I try to give background knowledge I have about issues facing the governing body. Second, I do not equate silence with understanding and agreement. I leave room for discussion. Asking good questions is important, always. Sometimes people stop asking questions because they feel like they know everything already, they are embarrassed, or they feel bullied. I try to give other members an extra minute to collect their thoughts and I encourage them to speak. Finally, I ask questions. By questioning the possible you can achieve the impossible.

Q: What makes you the best candidate for the job?

A: I am the best candidate for the job because of four things, demonstrated results, experience, passion, and a clear reason for serving on the Board of Trustees. Library patrons have seen improvements in services over the past eight years I have been on the Board of Trustees. We have modernized the first floor, improved access to materials, transitioned to hybrid programs, updated our policies, increased online offerings, and delivered an abatement to taxpayers, among many other successes. I am running for reelection because I want to live in a great community and be a good neighbor. I have a passion for representing people and bringing your voice to the board table. Finally, I have three very important reasons for my service, my children Patricia and Angel Jr. and my husband Angel. My parents chose to raise their family here because of the great community. Angel and I choose to stay here and represent our community, so it is great for many years to come.

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