Robin M. O'Connor: 2022 candidate for Lake County Clerk
Party: Republican
Office sought: Lake County Clerk
City: Libertyville
Age: 67
Occupation: Lake County Clerk
Previous offices held: Libertyville Township Trustee, three terms; Lake County Curriculum Resource Council, treasurer and secretary; Illinois Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Lake County representative; Illinois Association for Health, Physical Ed & Recreation, Publication Director; Professional Sorority President, two terms, Delta Kappa Gamma Chapter and Delta Zeta (rush/recruitment chairwoman)
Q: Why are you running for this office? Is there a particular issue that motivates you?
A: I proudly am running for reelection for Lake County Clerk. My background in management, government, and education aligns with many of my tasks as Clerk. My career has always revolved around analyzing systems and I serve as an expert in change theories. I also possess a natural ability to work with people and have a passion to serve my community. I have developed three pillars of excellence for my office as each pillar positively impacts my office's mission: integrity, leadership, and community. What continues to motivate me is my unwavering commitment to be a nonpartisan leader of this office and serve all in my community. This is essential. Candidates know I treat them fairly and equally. I believe this to be a crucial component of this job. Elections need to be protected, secure, and managed fairly. Elections are the combined voices of our community and our voices need to be trusted, valued, and honored.
Q: Automated improvements were made during the pandemic to facilitate mail-in ballots and early voting. What else should be done to improve voters' access to the polls?
A: I have implemented the first Vote-by-Mail Automation Center in Lake County. We continue to have custody of the ballot from beginning to end. Increasing voter access includes: providing a mobile office to expand services across the county, modernizing our website, increasing app usage, developing cutting-edge communication, and planning a future call center paired with a centrally located information station. I created a voter hotline that utilized the word VOTE to be easily remembered - 847 377-VOTE. This hotline has answered hundreds of voters' concerns and questions. I have reached out to Lake County schools to hold successful voter registration events. I have improved Early Voting and Vote by Mail processes by adding hours, dates, drop -off locations and sites. We have Early Voting sites online listing current wait times, and location directions. We are instituting BallotTrax which tracks your VBM ballot, giving voters confidence on where their ballot is located within the process.
Q: What can you do to ensure that Lake County elections remain fair?
A: Our election judge training is on a new online platform used concurrently with an in-person equipment lab. It is essential that our judges are trained correctly to ensure our citizens can exercise their right to vote. As Lake County Clerk, I consistently provide support when needed and legal backup during elections. Offering our three choices to vote: Early Voting, Vote by Mail, and Election Day, we continue to champion voter access offerings. Our office follows the election laws given to us and we continue to facilitate a fair and safe process to vote.
Q: What safeguards are (or will) you put into place to ensure that all citizens are able to exercise their right to vote?
A: I am honored to have received my Election Certification from the Center of Elections, Auburn University. I learned from top professors from around the country and read many esteemed writings and research. The most important safeguards are the ability for citizens to be able to freely communicate, find information easily and understand their opportunities and rights to vote. One of my functions is to seek and expand services. I have reached out to several groups and assisted members to understand how to exercise their right to vote. Many groups involve bilingual support or other specialized assistance. Educating voters on our ADA election equipment is valuable. For example, it is pure joy to work with The Center for Independent Living in Lake County to help them understand the voting process, plus the equipment that fits their needs, and explain their rights. I take pride in reaching out to citizens to guide them the way to exercise their voice, their vote and their choice.
Q: What are your thoughts on the Illinois Freedom of Information Act?
A: I am encouraged that voters are asking questions and seeking answers. I am appreciative of how people take the time to seek the knowledge they require. I strongly believe education is a key to bridging misunderstandings and I often have instructed individuals on how to use our website to seek more information. Very often the answers to the questions that are asked are already on our website, which surprises them. Demonstrating transparency and being helpful in obtaining information allows for good communication.
Q: Please state your plan to maintain government transparency and election integrity.
A: As stated previously, integrity is one of the columns of excellence for my office. I have instilled a team culture within the Lake County Clerks Office. Within this team culture, we have several employees who specialize in select areas within elections. It is not unusual for us to gather and look at a situation with varied lenses to achieve excellence. Having technological experts, website designers, communication specialists, as well as election professionals discuss solutions increases transparency and provides fair outcomes. We value having a website that provides a wealth of information for our community as it ensures our data can be found through many avenues. My future goal is to provide a "live online library" where videos and active brochures not only can be read aloud, but will be interactive with readers. Again, education is the key to understanding and trust. Having transparency at different literacy levels and languages is necessary to best serve our Lake County voters.