
Resident's quick action prevents Elk Grove Village garage fire from spreading

Elk Grove Village fire officials said quick thinking by a resident who discovered a fire in a home's attached garage Sunday morning saved the house from extensive damage.

Fire Chief Rich Mikel said the resident of the home on the 500 block of Wellington Avenue was alerted to the blaze just after 10 a.m. by an activated smoke alarm.

The resident discovered a fire in the garage and quickly closed the door between the home and the garage, helping to prevent the fire from spreading further, Mikel said.

The garage and its contents, including one vehicle, were destroyed in the blaze, Mikel added.

No residents or firefighters were injured.

Firefighters were at the scene until almost 1 p.m. performing salvage operations and checking for hot spots.

The cause of the blaze remains under investigation and fire officials didn't immediately have a damage estimate.

The house was deemed uninhabitable.

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