Feder: Joe Walsh raises 'White Flag' with new podcast
Joe Walsh, the former northwest suburban Republican congressman and conservative talk show host, may be off the radio but he still has plenty to say.
Five months after he lost his weekday afternoon show on Evanston Broadcasting news/talk WCGO 1590-AM, Walsh just launched a twice-weekly podcast, "White Flag with Joe Walsh."
It's billed as a series of "passionate conversations" with notable personalities. "I don't want to talk to people I agree with," Walsh explained. "I want to sit down and have civil, constructive conversation with people who think differently than I do."
His first two guests were Andrew Yang, the former Democratic candidate for president, and D.L. Hughley, the actor, political commentator, radio host and stand-up comedian.
"I was blown away by both of these guys," Walsh wrote on Facebook. "Andrew and I disagree on a lot - and, trust me, we get into that - but I think we also share an optimism about what America can be.
"D.L. is just an absolute pleasure to sit down with, and I underestimated how much some of what he shared with me about his outlook on race in this country would stick with me, long after we spoke."
Prior to his one-year stint on WCGO, Walsh spent six years on Salem Media news/talk WIND 560-AM before he left in 2019 to challenge Donald Trump for the Republican presidential nomination.
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