
Shoppers line up early outside Batavia Trader Joe's

Some people were greeted by a long line early Friday morning as they waited to enter the Batavia Trader Joe's.

The store opened at 9 a.m. to a line of customers who practiced proper social distancing, shoppers said, causing the line to stretch around the building.

But within an hour, it looked like a normal business day with shoppers coming and going as they please.

Nicole SooHoo, a shopper from North Aurora, was in good spirits as she likened it to an adventure, saying the grocery store was trying to limit the number of people inside at any time.

SooHoo, who had not shopped recently, said she was able to get most of what she was looking for.

Her one piece of advice was "Don't go within a half an hour of when the store opens."

Trader Joe's in Batavia allowed a limited number of people into the store at a time when it opened Friday morning. At one time, the line stretched around the building as people practiced proper social distancing while waiting to get in. Photo courtesy of Jennifer Knox
  Nicole SooHoo of North Aurora said she waited in line for about 20 minutes Friday before entering the Trader Joe's in Batavia. Brian Hill/
  Some people had to wait in line outside at the Trader Joe's in Batavia before the store opened Friday morning. Brian Hill/
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