
Endorse: Quigley for Democrats in 5th Congressional District

The 5th Congressional District is Chicago-centric and overwhelmingly Democratic while extending into some Cook and DuPage suburbs.

Its voting record has been reliably blue, and the beneficiary has been Mike Quigley, who has been elected six times since 2009 after serving three Cook County Board terms.

Quigley faces a Democratic primary challenge from Brian Burns, a Chicago lawyer who runs to the left of Quigley on most issues.

Our endorsement goes to Quigley, whose positions and record on important issues reflect his constituents - ranked him the 108th most liberal member of Congress in 2019 - and his engagement and experience provide no reason for Democrats to make a change.

On major issues, Quigley has taken mainstream Democratic stances, supporting comprehensive immigration reform that secures borders and provides a pathway to citizenship, and Medicare "for all who want it."

"You can be aspirational and pragmatic at the same time," he told us.

Burns is more liberal, supports Medicare for All, and says he prefers, in his words, "to start with aspirational."

An example of their differences came during a Daily Herald interview when Burns said Democrats should have taken a stronger posture with President Donald Trump, including walking out of his State of the Union address and going as far as a government shutdown to compel witnesses to testify during impeachment proceedings.

Quigley said neither would be effective and called a shutdown "wildly damaging and expensive." He's right on both counts.

He serves on the committee that conducted the Trump/Ukraine Impeachment Report that led to the House impeachment vote.

Burns, who has no previous elected experience, has pledged to serve one, 2-year term in Congress. That's little time to learn the ropes and make a difference. But he's smart and passionate and we urge him to stay involved.

We've endorsed Quigley in the past and still think he provides the best alternative for Democrats for the 5th District.

Brian Burns
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