Panel member Tim Sashko, president of the Lake County Board of Health, left, participates in Tuesday's official 211 launch event at the Independence Grove Visitors Center. Panelists, including Heart of the City's Scott McLellan, center, and North Shore Gas' Polly Eldringhoff, discussed with local government, business and social service leaders how the 211 service can connect people to a wide range of resources.
Paul Valade/
Leaders from government, business, community organizations and others were on hand for the official launch of United Way of Lake County's 211 service Tuesday at the Independence Grove Visitors Center near Libertyville.
The 211 system is a free, confidential, 24-hour information and referral helpline connecting individuals and families in need with access to available health and human services.
Callers are connected with a live operator in a service intended to reduce the time and frustration of callers seeking help.
Critical services that can be accessed include: shelter and affordable housing options; legal-consumer and public safety; utility assistance; supplemental food programs; addiction support and rehabilitation; crisis counseling; employment and education support; health care and mental health; transportation and more.
The system, which has been in development for about 18 months, features a website and also allows those seeking assistance to text their ZIP code to 898211.
WGN television news anchor Jackie Bange moderated a panel discussion Tuesday morning during the official launch of United Way of Lake County's 211, which is a free, confidential, 24-hour information and referral helpline service to connect residents with available resources.
Paul Valade/
Hundreds gathered Tuesday at the Independence Grove Visitors Center for Lake County's official 211 launch event, where panelists discussed how the service connects people in need to a wide range of available resources.
Paul Valade/
Panelists Tim Sashko, left, Scott McLellan, Polly Eldringhoff, Pat Davenport and Steve Carlson talk during the official launch of Lake County's 211 service Tuesday morning at Independence Grove Forest Preserve near Libertyville.
Paul Valade/