
Blasey Ford says some good came out of her 'terrifying' testimony against Kavanaugh

Months after publicly accusing Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her three decades ago, Christine Blasey Ford said speaking out was "terrifying," but she knew it was her "civic duty."

Ford testified at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in September that Kavanaugh, then a Supreme Court nominee, had sexually assaulted her when the two were teenagers. The explosive accusations raised crucial questions only days before Kavanaugh's confirmation vote - leading to a special hearing, tearful testimonies and adamant denials. Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court on Oct. 6.

In a statement on GoFundMe last week, Ford thanked those who stood behind her.

"I am grateful to have had the opportunity to fulfill my civic duty," she wrote. "Having done so, I am in awe of the many women and men who have written me to share similar life experiences, and now have bravely shared their experience with friends and family, many for the first time. I send you my heartfelt love and support. I wish I could thank each and every one of you individually. Thank you."

On Wednesday, Ford closed her crowdfunding account, which raised nearly $650,000, saying the donations have been a "godsend."

She said that the money "allowed us to take reasonable steps to protect ourselves against frightening threats," including paying for security services for her family and her, as well as a home security system. She said that any unused donations will be given to organizations that support survivors of trauma.

Ford's attorney said Ford had been receiving death threats.

"Words are not adequate to thank all of you who supported me since I came forward to tell the Senate that I had been sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh," Ford wrote. "Your tremendous outpouring of support and kind letters have made it possible for us to cope with the immeasurable stress, particularly the disruption to our safety and privacy. Because of your support, I feel hopeful that our lives will return to normal."

Over the summer, Ford sent a confidential letter to a senior Democratic lawmaker, alleging that Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her when the two were in high school in the 1980s in suburban Maryland.

But her story spilled out, becoming more and more public.

In October, Ford said that coming forward was "by far the hardest thing I've ever had to do, much harder even than I thought it would be."

She said on the GoFundMe page that it has also been difficult for "my husband and our sons, for my relatives who still live in the Washington area, and the friends who have stood up on my behalf.

"I feel like all of you who have made a contribution are on this journey with me, which is very heartening. And some journey it has been and continues to be."

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