Singer has strong message of kindness for Fremont students
Almost 500 students clapped and sang along with singer and songwriter Stu Jacobson during his motivational program, "Be Kind, Be Positive, and Read!" Tuesday at Fremont Intermediate School.
In addition to the program, Emmy Award-winning daytime talk show Windy City LIVE videotaped the segment at the school assembly that will be aired Friday, Feb. 16.
The Mundelein-area school has adopted a theme of kindness that includes fourth-graders filling a bulletin board with daily acts of kindness, stations where children experience the daily challenges of disabilities, a third-grade class writing letters to the homeless and another class making Valentine's Day cards for children in a hospital.
The Stu Show is an interactive and engaging performance of original, entertaining singalongs, such as "I Liked to be Liked" and "The Right Side is the Bright Side of the Sun" to spread a message of kindness.
According to producer Justyna Syska, Windy City LIVE features a show every week on an individual or organization doing positive work and giving back to the community.
"Stu Jacobson was chosen to be one of our '4 Star Chicagoans' for the work he does while visiting schools and teaching kids about kindness," she said in a statement.