
Displaying art and photos is an art itself

No design project is quite finished without art. It's the final touch, like putting on jewelry.

The selection of art is truly personal. Much like beauty, it is the eye of the beholder that qualifies art as meaningful or valuable.

Are there correct ways to hang art? Well, yes and no.

Some think there are rules to be followed, while others who feel rules are to be broken. Conventionally, art may be placed above a couch or at eye level. But so what? Ultimately, placing your coveted works of art is an art itself. It's as much a form of self-expression as the art. So let loose!

Here are a few ideas to inspire you:

Framed photos in black and white on the walls of an all-white foyer can be quite dramatic when there's a black-and-white floor underfoot. Add a splash of an unexpected color in an upholstered bench or chair and it'll be a winning room.

Another sophisticated idea is to place framed engravings in all sizes and styles above a beautiful antique chest topped with a lamp and other objets d'art or maybe a silver or cut glass bowl. The style will ooze over even the most jaded guest.

Hallways can be interesting and functional for home galleries. A row of pictures across a long wall calls out: “Slow down! Look at me!”

A mix of art and mirrors in a cluster or geometric arrangement warrants attention and can sometimes enhance a space that's void of architectural interest. If your halls have tall walls, a pair of extra-large framed artworks can either hang on the walls or rest against them.

Living rooms and dining rooms are the rooms where art is center stage. In your living room, rather than place a painting above the couch as expected, why not rest two paintings on a ledge behind the sofa? This is not only chic but also offers a very relaxed attitude about living and can be changed at whim to allow the room to always have a fresh feeling.

Similarly, a symmetrical play of mirrors and art can act almost as windows to a room. This optical composition adds sophistication.

Dining rooms can offer the best place for a captive audience to admire your collected works of art. A single large painting can offer a very sumptuous background, but up the ante and do a gallery wall. Create a mix with personality by hanging works of different mediums, sizes and genres to entertain diners for hours and hours.

In bedrooms, select art that is, above all else, unobtrusive and tranquil. Generally, the expected place for art in the bedroom is the wall on which the bed rests, above the headboard. It is OK to forgo that expected location in favor of the side walls or the wall across from the bed beside — or in place of — the ubiquitous television.

Finally, bathrooms are also a place for art. A single portrait on a wall can do the job, but why not consider a whole series of identically framed paintings or engravings or mirrors? Hung on the wall in a gridlike manner, they'll give that WOW factor to a sometimes boring space.

• Joseph Pubillones is the owner of Joseph Pubillones Interiors, an award-winning interior design firm based in Palm Beach, Florida.

© 2019, Creators Syndicate

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