
Do this, not that when exercising

Any exercise is better than no exercise, but if you're taking the time to work out, make sure you're choosing exercises that will truly improve your health and fitness.

Below are some exercises that are too commonly performed in hopes of measurable results, but often lead to injuries or disappointment. A better alternative is given for each exercise.

<h3 class="leadin">Plank vs. crunch

The crunch with hands behind the head is a staple exercise in many people's abdominal routine, but there are just so many better options out there.

Lying on the floor and pulling the head forward while rounding the torso a few degrees may create quite a muscle burn if done long enough, but it does not strengthen the core as many may think.

Crunches performed incorrectly can actually strain the neck and accentuate poor posture.

Instead of the crunch, try any version of the plank.

The plank is a great exercise as it strengthens many layers of the abdominal wall along with the stabilizing muscles of the back and hips while helping to improve posture. Courtesy of Push Fitness

The plank is a great exercise as it strengthens many layers of the abdominal wall along with the stabilizing muscles of the back and hips while helping to improve posture.

Set up in a plank as pictured. Keep your body in a straight line and be sure to squeeze your abs while continuing to breathe. Hold for as long as possible and record your time.

Now, add 15-30 seconds to this time at your next workout and continue to increase this time at each workout over the next several weeks.

With consistent practice, you should be able to hold the plank for several minutes.

<h3 class="leadin">Pushups vs. chest press

The lying or seated chest press machine is the machine where you lie on your back and push a weight away from your chest.

This is great if you want to add size to your chest, but lying on your back and moving a weight doesn't involve much functionality.

There are many more practical toning exercises out there for the typical person trying to tone up, lose weight, and get healthy. Using a fixed machine can actually limit your body's natural range of motion and lead to tight joints and muscle imbalances.

If a traditional pushup is too easy, try doing one using a TRX strap. Courtesy of Push Fitness

Rather than performing a chest press on a machine, try any version of the pushup.

With a pushup, you are moving your body through space and requiring more total body recruitment.

To perform a quality pushup, you must engage your core and stabilizing muscles - you're in charge of how your body moves rather than the machine allowing you to move a certain way.

If a traditional pushup is too difficult for you to perform, elevate the surface you are pushing from or try a pushup from your knees.

If a traditional pushup is too easy, there are numerous options for progression, such as using a TRX strap.

<h3 class="leadin">Lateral lunge vs. hip adduction machine

The hip adduction machine is the machine you sit on with knees bent 90 degrees and either push your knees outward against resistance or pull them inward against resistance.

This machine can target specific muscles of the hip, but it's awkward at best. Trying to tone these areas won't necessarily tighten and shrink the hips as many may think. These machines often lead to tight hips and imbalanced muscles.

Ditch these hip machines and try a lateral lunge instead.

This lateral movement will work the muscles of the hips and upper legs while improving balance and range of motion.

Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart and toes turned slightly outward. Shift your weight sideways as you bend one leg and lunge down. The opposite leg should remain straight. As you near the bottom, make sure your heal stays planted on the floor and push your hips back.

Return to your starting point and repeat on the other side.

So, encourage proper movement and overall results by avoiding exercises that are likely to hold you back.

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• Joshua Steckler is the owner of Push Fitness, a personal training studio located in Schaumburg specializing in weight loss, muscle toning, and nutrition. Contact him at

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