
Israel doing necessary 'heavy lifting' in Mideast

For once I agree with Hillary Clinton, supporting a cease-fire in Gaza is a mistake. Hamas is not a political party, it is a terrorist organization.

Its bylaws call for the destruction of Israel and for the death of all Jews (Hamas Charter 7) and that they will not negotiate (Hamas Charter 13).

Hamas hides among the population and behind hostages, in schools and hospitals. Hamas is willing to sacrifice its own in order to draw Israel into a broader conflict.

Israel is asked to stop, but will Hamas stop? No, they will not. All war has unfortunate collateral damage, but I believe the Israelis are going out of their way to try and protect noncombatants.

Compare Israel's actions to our actions during the Vietnam War where, according to Britannica, it is estimated that approximately 2 million noncombatants on both sides died.

The conflict in Gaza can stop right now. Hamas needs to lay down their arms, surrender and submit to the rule of law for their criminally murderous actions on Oct. 7.

Israel gave Gaza a chance by turning the territory over to the Palestinian Authority in 2005. Hamas has hijacked resources intended for citizens in their care in order to build the offensive war infrastructure necessary to carry out their mandate.

Actually, Israel is doing the heavy lifting not just for themselves but for other countries in the Middle East too afraid to speak out against Hamas and Hezbollah.

This situation would be much easier to resolve with the support of peace-seeking Middle East countries in condemnation of Hamas and Hezbollah.

Israel is also doing the heavy lifting for the anemic and antisemitic UN and for a deeply compromised, brainwashed and weaponized United States populace.

Let Israel do their work and support their efforts and ongoing sacrifice. We have enough to do to quell the meteoric rise in antisemitism on college campuses. Based upon what is happening at colleges, there is something deeply flawed with our system of education and efforts for so called diversity, equity and inclusion.

David Clark


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