
We have no choice but to work together for peace

Do we really have a choice?

Sadly, no. There are no choices.

There are no sides. This is not simply a continuation of a "land dispute" that has lasted thousands of years.

There are no "moral equivalencies." Support and condemnation are desperately needed.

In 2005-2006, there were loud voices and a visible presence of Neturei Karta rabbis praising Iran, hugging Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and supporting his anti-Israel rhetoric as truth. These rabbis attended and showed support for Holocaust denial events and listened to speakers minimalizing of the brutality of the Nazi regime.

In response, rabbis stood side by side around the world condemning these actions as well as the Neturei Karta's gross misrepresentation of Jews, Judaism and Jewish values.

Misguided groups and the profound ignorance of too many leaders in the Jewish and non-Jewish communities are using their abilities as force-multipliers to denounce Israel. They twist anti-Semitic and anti-Zionistic statements in an attempt to justify the slaughter currently going on in Israel.

They have become radicalized for what they believe to be "social justice" causes when, in fact, many of their actions (including support of BDS) hurt the greater Palestinian people more than anyone else.

I condemn all of them.

How can any human being support organizations that support Hamas?

There is no rationalization or justification for decapitating babies, raping and killing women, family annihilation, physical and psychological torture and the list goes on.

And don't be fooled. Hamas and other proxies of Iran, do not have the ability or sophistication to do this alone.

They have the full support of Iran - the leading state sponsor of terrorism.

Forces for good must unite and defeat the forces for evil.

My tears are for all innocent people who have lost their lives in this war. My prayers are for all who are suffering.

My dream is that civilized people willing to work together will rise against this inhumanity and to help to continue building a safe and secure Israel and create a safe and secure Palestine for the Palestinian people.

No one can do it alone. We must do this together.

• Rabbi Morris Zimbalist is the Senior Rabbi of Congregation Beth Judea in Long Grove and is an executive committee member of the Chicago Board of Rabbis.

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