
How to handle the rat problem in Chicago

Chicago's rodent problem can be solved with publicity. If the dining public knows which restaurants have a rat problem in the back, and which restaurants have overflowing Dumpsters and which restaurants have been cited once or twice for a rat problem, I would wager that those restaurants would move to clean up their act.

Instead of wasting time and energy issuing so many citations and disregarded fines, hit the offending restaurants where they live - in their pocketbooks. Start newsletters that list offenders by name. Publish the lists on social media. Engage volunteers to hand out flyers with names of scofflaws. Tell building code inspectors to get tough the rat-friendly restaurants.

If city officials are taking bribes to overlook the rat problem, then we have to conclude that rats are a source of extra income for the illustrious Rodent Enforcers. That's very possible - disgusting but it's the Chicago way.

Dan Brown

Des Plaines

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