
Letter: Biased reporting on Trump, Bidens

Any pretense of unbiased reporting at the Daily Herald was finally put to rest in your Thursday, May 11, edition. Your Washington Post headline story excoriating Donald Trump for his appearance on CNN, accompanied by a picture of approximately 12 protesters in front of the hall at St. Anselm's College, was a pathetic attempt to show that the local community was outraged by his appearance.

The front page was followed by four more columns on Page 11 disputing every point Trump dared to make. In the same edition, on the bottom right hand side of page 11, was an innocuous article entitled "GOP calls Biden Family Records a Smoking Gun," followed immediately by the denial, "White House calls it a political stunt."

The AP article liberally used phrases such as "without evidence," while giving zero credence or mention to congressional findings that Biden family bank records, which showed that nine Biden family members, including grandchildren, have received over $10 million in payments from foreign countries, including China, Romania, and Ukraine, through a web of Biden family-created shell corporations, that conduct no apparent business.

Influence peddling anyone?

Joe Biden, of course, claims he knows nothing of this. Sorry Joe, but if your family members are raking in millions for doing nothing, I suspect you just might have an inkling that something untoward might be going on.

While mentioning none of this, the article immediately went to attacking the Trump family, mentioning suspicious activity with Deutsche Bank, the Trump Foundation and of course the obligatory hit on Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner for having overseas business interests.

And the Daily Herald? It is apparent where your loyalty lies, and it is not even in the middle of the road, For those who enjoy driving on the left side, the Daily Herald is your ride.

Jim Osterhout


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