
Letter: Trustee has helped in village's success

I am writing in support of reelecting Bartlett Trustee Adam Hopkins to another four-year term. As a fellow trustee, I have had the privilege of working with Trustee Hopkins on several big decisions for Bartlett. For example, in the past four years, Trustee Hopkins has been part of bringing a car dealership to Bartlett, keeping the tax levy the same or lower and supporting the acquisition of Aldi to downtown Bartlett.

I most admire Trustee Hopkins for his dedication to ensuring residents receive the best possible service from the village. His questions are always thoughtful and often lead to a better outcome for everyone. Trustee Hopkins also chairs the Bike and Run Committee, a hot topic as the village and several other organizations and taxing bodies look to provide better connections among the paths in Bartlett that serve the many people that use alternative routes for pleasure or transportation.

As Bartlett continues to change with the times, I believe having Trustee Hopkins on the Bartlett Village Board will assist with keeping our community safe and enjoyable for everyone. I encourage Bartlett residents to vote on April 4 for Adam Hopkins for village trustee.

Stephanie Gandsey


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