Letter: False claims of book ban are dangerous
Thousands of Naperville residents recently received a patently false mailer that wrongfully alleged that there are numerous local candidates running for office in Naperville who have designs on banning books and "literary classics."
Thankfully, there are no such candidates. Exactly zero local candidates have voiced any support for banning books. Our libraries are not being pursued by any local groups or candidates seeking to ban books. There are also no book ban controversies now - or known to be coming - before the Naperville Library Board. This mailer, sent by the group Naperville Forward is a complete fabrication.
It is one thing to engage in some puffery during election season. It is something else entirely to outright lie about people. This mailer was an attempt to deceive voters and to incite outrage and angst among our residents. The lowest form of campaigning.
The candidates that were supported by this terrible piece should publicly repudiate it. Hopefully, our community sends a message on Election Day that this kind of campaigning will not be tolerated in Naperville.
Kevin Coyne