
Letter: Label inappropriate

On March 13, the Daily Herald published an article titled "Pritzker donation raises concerns of partisan influence on school board races." As the chairperson of C4KE (Citizens 4 Kids Education), I would like to share some thoughts and perspective on this article. You stated that C4KE is a "local conservative group", without contacting anyone from C4KE. While "conservative" doesn't mean partisan (Republican), that term conveys the same message to many people.

This article is unbalanced by calling C4KE a "local conservative group." No such adjective was used to describe Gov. Pritzker's politics, which by some would then rightfully be called liberal. Additionally, Ms. Cavill and Mr. Rosenblum's as well as Ms. Barron and Ms. Russell's campaigns are financially supported, , not just endorsed, by the Northwest Suburban Teachers Union. This article shows implicit bias and doesn't give the entire story to the reader as to what is going on in our local election.

C4KE is a non-partisan, independent group of moms and dads who came together because we saw the need to educate our fellow residents about the disappointing state of affairs in our D211 high schools due to bad (and unfollowed) board policies and decisions, or lack thereof. We are not affiliated with any political organization, party or group.

We are parents who have attended countless school board meetings and have been active in our schools for years. We aim to restore parents' rights, student success and fiscal responsibility in our district by informing our community of the facts.

We have no special agenda nor the deep pockets of Gov. Pritzker and the Democratic Party. We have instead received many small contributions from everyday citizens who want to see a change in the agenda-driven policies of some on the current D211 board.

Jennifer Dahl


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