Letter: Educational choice should be available to all
The League of Women Voters is a political arm for the Democratic Party masquerading as a nonpartisan community organization.
Their latest outward bias that they don't even attempt to hide anymore is their opposition to the Invest in Kids Act, a school choice program in Illinois that benefits low income families in failing school districts.
The Naperville Chapter President, Susan Craighead, recently took to the pages of this paper to express her displeasure with the Invest in Kids Act that has empowered over 9,000 students and families to chart a more successful educational path in hopes of a brighter future.
Craighead stands on the side of teachers unions and against the families who lack the means to transfer their children from local schools that are either unsafe or unsatisfactory in providing for the specific needs of individual students.
It comes from a place of privilege to inform these gracious families that the jig is up and their children must be ripped from their current school where they have developed familiarity and relationships because suburban women like Craighead say their time is up.
Don't be like that. Be an advocate for families who want a better future for their children across Illinois. Contact your legislators and urge them to expand and make the Invest in Kids Act permanent so families - no matter their income, ZIP code or disability - have the opportunity to provide their children with the best educational opportunity possible.
Janice Anderson