Letter: Democrats ignored real issues in Illinois
As predicted, the Blue Wave - no, the Blue Tsunami - took place in the state of Illinois. Starring in the tsunami for the Democrats was abortion, unabated abortion up to the last minute before and even after giving birth.
Pro-life candidates went down in flames. The Democratic candidates besmirched their right-to-life opponents as if they are terrorists. Never thought that would happen.
But that is the state of our secular society. Watching political commercials on television for Illinois Democrats for the election was comical. The majority of those commercials focused solely on unlimited abortion.
Guess what. Illinois is not one of the states that prohibits abortion. And that will never change in Illinois. Pritzker and Lightfoot have portrayed Illinois as the safe haven for abortion that will add millions of dollars to the sagging Illinois economy.
So why do you think that abortion was the primary issue for Democratic politicians at all levels in Illinois - federal, state and local. Well, I think they got the memo from the DNC. The Democrats had nothing else to run on - nothing.
They completely ignored real issues like inflation, outrageous increase in crime, out-of-control gas prices, defunding police, freedom of speech, gender identity and sexual orientation in public schools, degraded military, wide open borders that have allowed over 2 million illegal immigrants just this year. The sad part is that the media, including the Daily Herald and Chicago Tribune, overwhelmingly supported their message, endorsing nearly 100% of the pro-abortion rights Democratic candidates.
Apparently the real issues facing Illinois citizens were of no concern. The last two years have been an unmitigated disaster for the people of Illinois, but they voted for more of it. The only Red Wave I see in Illinois is the exit out of Illinois.
Bill Koller
Des Plaines