
Letter: Get candidates on record on democracy reforms

This year - for the first time - the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance's Global State of Democracy report lists the U.S. as "a democracy in decline." The report says the U.S. "fell victim to authoritarian tendencies." The report's authors also expressed concern for the wave of voting restriction bills passed in states across the nation.

Democracy, the rule of law and our Constitution are not partisan issues. A government of the people, by the people and for the people requires equal opportunity to vote - and an electorate that votes. During an election year, it is imperative to get candidates of all political parties to go on the record to create strong federal standards for democracy system reform.

For me, the most important issue is amending the Constitution to overturn the Citizens United decision and other court cases that have empowered the wealthy and other special interests to unduly influence American elections.

Although Common Cause is a left-leaning institution, their Our Democracy 2022 Questionnaire pushes candidates to go on the record about where they stand on 20 different democracy reforms. It also educates voters on democracy reform choices. There is no attempt to endorse or oppose candidates for elected office.

Asking before the general election - while candidates are paying the most attention - gives voters a baseline against which we can hold representatives accountable once they're in office. Take a look at the questionnaire online and decide which of the reforms matter to you. Then contact all the candidates running for your vote to ask where they stand on your chosen reforms.

Democracy requires us to demand representation. John Adams said, "Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have a right and a desire to know."

Donna Limper


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