
Letter: Just a euphemism for abortion access

In contentious issues, partisans often create slogans intended to put their position in a favorable light. One that has gained much currency is "reproductive health care" as a synonym for abortion access.

To my mind, reproductive health care is when the pregnant woman is cautioned to not smoke or drink and also to get some exercise. Her doctor will likely encourage her to eat a good diet with a list of what to include or avoid. If a medical problem develops, he will provide appropriate medical intervention. He will schedule office visits to monitor the status of this woman's reproductive progress.

The goal of all this reproductive health care is to have a healthy baby delivered at full term.

People who say "reproductive health care" when they are actually talking about abortion mean none of the above. Their goal is to ensure access to abortion so that the baby can be terminated. Talk about twisting the language.

Herm Faubl


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