
Letter: Images of death should make a difference

Regarding the proposed aperville ordinance regulating the commercial sale of assault weapons and large-capacity magazines

With others, I wonder what effect it would have on citizens and government leaders if they even read about the effect assault rifles with high powered bullets have on our precious grade schooler's bodies. Uvalde victims had to be identified by DNA as their bodies, their faces, were unrecognizable from the damage done by high-powered assault rifle bullets.

Pictures of Emmet Till in his coffin impacted the war on racism.

Pictures of a naked little girl running from napalm bombing impacted the support for the Vietnam War.

Those pictures are indelibly etched in my mind, as are my imagined images of hundreds of grade schoolers shot with assault rifles and high powered ammunition.

I hope all of the Naperville City Council and the mayor have those images in mind when they vote.

Tom Craighead


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