
Letter: Shooting deserved national attention

You ran a great section recently with all of the views on guns. There was one letter, however, that I think missed the mark.

Writer Greg Larson chimed in from Florida. His amazingly tone deaf comment on how much the weekend violence is not reported in the city is amazing. In fact, most media studies and researchers will tell you, the violence in many large cities is indeed, in fact, over-reported.

What bothers Mr. Larson, it seems, is that the event in Highland Park made national news and he seems to see more of a need for the city's weekend crime to also do the same. Well, that is not how it works. Sadly, we have grown accustomed to the weekend violence and it is important to be reported, locally and there is hope that actions will someday speak louder than words.

But the national attention of Highland Park is deserved and warranted and that troubles him. Good. Maybe this will lead him to be a man of action regarding those shocking and so-routine shootings of the weekend.

Brian Hayes


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