
Letter: Family breakdown is root of our problems

For weeks now, leftists have been bemoaning the prospect of Roe being reversed and losing the "right" to slaughter unborn children in the womb. But now, with yet another school shooting, they suddenly become compassionate about the bloodshed of innocent human beings, all of whom are made in the image and likeness of Almighty God. In utero and out, disabled or extraordinary, every human beings is of infinite value and worth, and should be honored, protected and cherished.

The further we drift away from God and His standards, the more callous we become as a culture. The utter disregard for the sanctity of human life is at the heart of the breakdown of the natural family, including fatherlessness. That, in turn, is at the heart of our drug addicted, violent crime-ridden culture. Instead of restricting Second Amendment civil rights, our political, religious and academic leaders must deal with these root issues.

The restoration and veneration of family and fatherhood is a tremendous first step in helping to rebuild a respectful, productive and peaceful culture. Our ultimate hope, however, is turning our hearts back toward our Heavenly Father, seeking Him and knowing Him better through the Bible.

David E. Smith, Exec. Director

Illinois Family Institute

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