
Letter: Let a woman, and no one else, decide on abortion

In a free country and regardless of what stance one has on abortion, safe reliable access to that procedure must be protected and available to any woman or girl if she so chooses. Her freedom and her decision are hers alone and no one else's business. Those who are against her freedom to decide are free themselves to protest, write letters and advocate against it. To bar someone from safely accessing that procedure, however, is a direct violation of our flag and Constitution.

It will pave the way for one group to control another. Same-sex marriage will be next, then interracial marriage. then the return to segregation.

It is ironic how the party of pro-life is also pro-gun. Can you imagine the blatant hysteria if the Supreme Court decided to ban guns across the nation like they plan to ban abortion? One may not believe in gun ownership, but the right to own one must be protected. One can protest against guns, but one cannot deny another to legally obtain one. It would be a violation of our flag and Constitution.

Similarly, one can protest against abortion, but the freedom to have one must be protected. One standard should apply to all in a free society. Or are we no longer a free society? You decide, before your right to opine is banned as well.

Louis S. Guagenti

Arlington Heights

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