
Letter: Looking at 'what ifs'

From recent letters, it seems the right-wing outrage and misinformation machine is now obsessed with the Hunter Biden laptop story and how if properly covered, it would have changed the outcome of the 2020 election. Since there are no revelations that implicate Joe Biden in any way but show a man leveraging his family name to make money, then we need to look no farther than Trump's adult children to see others doing the same while being deeply entrenched in the criminal enterprise that is the Trump organization.

But let's look at the "what if" machine the writers seem to want to visit. What if all the irregularities in Florida in 2000 had been properly investigated? What if the Gore campaign had pushed harder rather than doing what they thought was right for the country? What if a partisan Supreme Court had decided Bush v Gore differently? What if the Trump campaign hadn't shared polling data with the Russians so they could target urban areas in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania (I read the full Mueller report)? What if Trump hadn't coordinated with WikiLeaks to dump emails right when damaging stories about him were about to be released in October?

What if Trump hadn't committed campaign finance felonies that sent his co-conspirator to prison to keep his sexual exploits out of the October news? What if James Comey hadn't released the Weiner laptop story a week before the 2016 election that ended up being a nothing burger?

Would any of these "what ifs" have changed the results? I don't know.

What I do know is that while I may not have liked the results, they were legal in the eyes of the courts or there was nothing I could do about it so I accepted the results and moved on.

Roger Edwards

Glen Ellyn

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