
Letter: Writer's vision clouded by hate for Trump

It truly amazes me that in these times where so many facts are available at the touch of your fingers through the internet that so many Trump haters continue to spew so much garbage.

On March 25, 2022, you published in "Your View," a comment from Jeffrey Crowell. In it, he stated, "I had lost thousands of dollars in my IRA because of Trump's mishandling of the economy." The only thing that I can guess is that Mr. Crowell had his money in a poorly managed IRA. On Jan. 14, 2016, the Dow was 16,151. On Dec. 20, 2020, the Dow was 30,409.

As far as gas prices, under President Trump the United States was energy independent. That is why gas prices dropped.

As for the claim that Trump ignored the CDC: He put billions into the historically quick development and approval of the COVID vaccines.

There was the lowest unemployment numbers for Blacks and Hispanics.

Mr. Crowell is obviously a denier of the facts of Trump's presidency because he feels Trump was a "pathological liar, a con man, tax cheat, right wing demagogue and wannabe dictator."

Well, Mr. Crowell, how do you like the highest inflation in 40 years? Gas prices doubling? The debacle in Afghanistan and now Ukraine? But bumbling Joe Biden is NOT Trump.

Bruce Matsunaga

Vernon Hills

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