
Column's lies should not have been printed

Byron York in his Jan. 16 opinion piece about Republicans pushing back on the so-called Democratic big lie starts out with a lie by claiming Ms. Abrams never conceded the 2018 Georgia Governors race; he needs to do better research.

He continues the lies throughout his article, which the Daily Herald could easily have researched and refuted, but yet they did not by evidence of publication. Really DH, how can you print such easily refuted diatribe? It certainly can't be for fairness of distributing differing ideas and political thought.

Differing ideals in the press are usually represented by showing opposing thought on truth, which Mr. York clearly lacks. As usual with the Republican Party, what they cannot gain from lack of ideas they try to do so with outright lies or through attempts at insurrection. Shame on you DH for printing such garbage.

Rich Garling


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