
Anti-notification bill opens doors for abusers

By its very definition, the Parental Notification Act (PNA) was enacted to protect underage, minor girls from making a life-changing decision without the counsel and compassion of their loving parents. While it's true that not every parent is loving, the vast majority are, and there existed a remedy when that was not the case.

But what has the super-majority party done in Springfield, in passing this new bill? It makes it impossible to detect adult abusers and human traffickers from covering up their crimes of abuse. Young girls (not women) will continue to be harmed, many receiving multiple visits to clinics. I was slightly encouraged that 11 of the majority members refused to support this terribly misguided House Bill that greatly enables the deeds of evildoers.

The bill removed the regulation to simply inform a parent/guardian, that their daughter of 16, 13, or even younger, was to undergo an extremely invasive surgical procedure. If she needs a Tylenol, they call you; if she's been victimized by a sex trafficker, pimp, adult male, or any other creepy abuser; no call, straight to the clinic.

I've had plenty of discussions and debate with many pro-choice advocates. Many of them hold sincere positions personally on this issue. Even many who are ardently pro-choice support parental notification. A March 2021 poll by the Tarrance Group (not a hyper-conservative source) showed that 72% of Illinoisans were in favor of keeping the Parental Notice of Abortion law, with support even higher among people of Color (56% of the poll respondents called themselves pro-choice)

By repealing this law, you take away critical safeguards that are currently in place to protect underage, minor, frightened girls. The winners are the traffickers, pimps, Johns and those who would exploit underage girls.

This is a careless step backward, disrespecting and endangering our girls. Yes, it's a Girl's issue, before she becomes a woman. Protect them. Gov. Pritzker should think long and hard about signing the repeal of parental notification into law.

State Rep. Amy Grant


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