
Where's the concern about immigration?

We have shut down land entry from Canada until later in August, imposed strict restrictions for those coming in from Europe and Asia, and yet 60% of illegal immigrants are testing positive for COVID (and likely carrying and spreading other dangerous diseases), flow freely over our border and are relocated throughout our country. And the Biden administration is telling us that we must vaccinate and wear masks. FYI, Illinois has an average positivity rate of 4% and the headlines indicate a panic over that rate, yet 60% positivity does not create a panic in Washington. Why is that?

Aren't these immigrants super spreaders? And you can bet they will get food stamps, health care, housing and free education on the U.S. taxpayers' dime. Wake up, America.

When over 50% or more of your paycheck goes to taxes, how will you house and feed your family and yourselves? think about it. The middle class will bear the brunt. not the rich, including Washington politicians. Money doesn't grow on trees or fall out of the skies but our leaders in Washington seem to think so the way they are spending our money.

Denise Kennedy


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