
Killing American jobs

President Biden has said he is going to create thousands of new high-paying union jobs. One of his first executive orders was to cancel the building of the Keystone Pipeline, killing thousands of high-paying union jobs and all the ancillary jobs that supported the construction and the workers. Did you know the pipeline was being constructed with American steel? More jobs lost.

Without the pipeline, the oil will be delivered to the U.S. by diesel-fueled trains and trucks, belching 10 times the pollution than the pipeline, not to mention the much higher incidents of accidents and spills.

Way to go, President Biden, killing union jobs, increasing pollution and raising the cost of fuel to the economy with just the stroke of your pen.

The same can be said for killing the border wall, union jobs lost, American steel orders lost and all the ancillary jobs, lost.

You have to ask yourself, Is this why I voted Democratic?

Courtney Hays

Lake Forest

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