
An opportunity for GOP to act as a partner

The Not-So-Grand Old Party continues to demonstrate that they are morally bankrupt and bereft of policy proposals to help everyday Americans meet the challenges of the pandemic, economic recession, loss of businesses, rising unemployment, loss of health insurance benefits and broader societal inequities. Whether they were in control of the White House and one or more Congressional chambers or not, their only political tool has been and remains to oppose or block Democratic proposals. They prefer gridlock over solutions to the nation's multiple problems.

President Biden, with the slimmest of Democratic majorities in both Houses of Congress, has made extensive use of the Executive Order to launch new initiatives or reverse old initiatives of the previous administration. The Republicans' only response is to say: "his themes of bipartisanship and collaborative legislative initiatives ring hollow." Instead of bringing forward proposals of their own as a starting point for negotiation with the Democrats and the White House, they engage in meaningless rhetoric and naysaying.

Prior to January 20, we did not see the "Cult of Trump," formerly known as the Republican Party, bring forth any proposals or legislation to address the myriad pressing problems that COVID-19 brought to our shores. They have not proposed a single piece of legislation or program to counter the accelerating rates of COVID-19 cases and deaths in this country. They have reluctantly and begrudgingly signed on to the paltry few initiatives that the Trump Administration brought forward, which have turned out to be too little too late.

The Biden Administration will try to move forward with initiatives on multiple fronts while they work to repair the domestic and international damage that the previous administration wreaked on our country. This is a great opportunity for the GOP to become the Grand Old Party again by returning to their long-standing principles and by partnering with the Democrats to bring forward real solutions that can be embraced by Americans across the whole political spectrum. Let's hope that they see this opportunity and seize it.

Lynn Jensen

Arlington Heights

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