
Pork and politics

First of all, this is the identical relief package that the Senate proposed preelection and Nancy Pelosi turned down. She refused to give Trump any sort of victory, so the people suffered.

This piece of legislation is 5,593 pages long and was decided by four people with no room for amendments or revisions. It was delivered to Congress a couple of hours before the vote was to take place. Nobody read it. This bill is loaded with the usual pork instead of being a relief package, it's a joke riddled with moneys allocated for special projects that have absolutely nothing to do with the needy.

Finally, they are giving extra money to people to stay home and refuse to work rather than give money to the small business owners to recall their employees and pay them a fair wage. Redistribution of wealth.

The blood-sucking Democrats and the phony Republicans should be ashamed of the way they treat the working people that are the backbone of America. But people continue to vote for these professional bums because they get that bone thrown to them occasionally.

Larry Casey


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