
Illogical, naive argument

Your endorsement of Joe Biden is so illogical and naive. You are choosing socialism over freedom and all the things that made America the greatest country in the world. Socialism has never worked. There is not space here to rebut all of your inaccuracies, exaggerations, omissions and more.

Biden, who is old and weak, says he is not a socialist, but Kamala Harris, who would succeed Biden, votes far left of socialist Warren. Biden has the Democratic Party's socialist platform, not his dictatorial plan.

Biden is a hypocrite, no "nice guy." Claims to be a Catholic and yet votes against most important Catholic beliefs about life and marriage. Biden will significantly increase everyone's income taxes by reversing Trump's tax decreases for all Americans.

Biden thinks the answer to COVID-19 is to dictate rules from Washington, D.C., not the states. Biden will pack the Supreme Court by expanding the number for socialist justices, not constitutionalists. Biden denies having anything to do with son Hunter making millions from Ukraine and China. Smells.

Trump is a businessman and said he would and is "draining the swamp," even if it includes some Republicans. Trump is a far better Catholic than Biden because he fully supports "life from conception to natural death" and "marriage equals one woman and one man."

Trump's economic policies brought us the lowest unemployment numbers in memory. Trump rebuilt our military to once again be by far the best in the world. Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord because "humans cannot control our climate" and the accord was totally unfair.

Trump will stop Iran from having a nuclear weapon. He is a champion of Mideast peace. Trump does not hide in his basement. He is the most transparent President ever.

Roland G. Ley

Arlington Heights

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