
One nation indivisible

We feel for the unemployed and for those struggling to keep small businesses afloat during this pandemic. This is a serous crisis we are in; however, we can recover from unemployment and build up business's again. Once we are dead, though, there is no coming back. COVID-19 gives no second chances on life.

In times past, America rallied under the motto "In God we trust" and rallied with each other. We survived tough times as one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Today, we are a "divisible" nation and we act as if God were a word like Voldemort that shouldn't be spoken.

This pandemic does not care if we are Republican or Democratic, black or white, rich or poor. It kills indiscriminately.

Unfortunately, we have an egotistical, narcissist president whose only concern is poll numbers and popularity ratings. He feeds off his political base, but will turn on them the moment anyone says something negative about him.

He gets tested for the virus daily, but has not made it possible for the vast majority of the populace to get tested. If a higher percentage of minorities die from the virus, so be it. If older people die, so much better for Social Security funding.

A nation divided against itself will fail. We have an election coming up. We must once again remember who we are - "One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Tom Wuich

Arlington Heights

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