
Three falsehoods

A recent letter writer's defense of the administration's border separation policies was only five sentences long, but manages to pack in three falsehoods and an example of what-aboutisim, a common Republican strategy used to deflect blame.

First, children are dying at the border as a result of the administration's policies. This is an easily provable fact.

Second comes the "what-about ... abortion" deflection. Trying to change the subject and lying about it at the same time. Democrats are not "taking innocent babies from mother's wombs."

Legal abortion is the result of a personal decision between a woman and her doctor. No one is forced to do anything, while our government is forcibly separating families at the border against their will.

Third, tax payers do not pay for abortions. This has been true since the Hyde Amendment passed in 1976. If you support the policy, own it; but don't lie about it.

Richard Keslinke


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