
Climate change irony

When I heard that Amazon pledged $10 billion to fight global warming, I had to laugh. Amazon, which shares its name with the steadily receding rainforest known as the "lungs of the planet," has recently invested heavily in a massive fleet of trucks to insure that we all get that "thneed" that we all really, really need just a little faster. Trucks, vans and planes. Even on Sundays. Cyber networks and seeing-eye doorbells. Why, you don't even need to be home to say, "Hey, that's my thneed dropped at my door. Please don't take it, I'll just have to order more."

And so the packages came and the boxes went until all the fuel that brought them was burned up and spent. Cough. But please, don't you worry about global warming. We're being paid 10 billion of our own money to just keep ignoring. Ask yourself. Do you really need that Thneed?

Scott Frillman


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