
Payback for name caller

Children have been known to voice a simple response when confronted by a bully "name caller." They may have chosen their own words in response to a verbal attack: "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me." In a similar way, the prosecuting team at the impeachment trial was confronted by a "name caller" after the verdict of acquittal was rendered.

The team was characterized as "sleaze bags," "scum," "crooked," "evil" and "corrupt."

It was the president of the United States, at the National Prayer Breakfast, who uttered these degradations. The president wasn't inclined to happily accept an acquittal verdict. Demeaning a professional team reflected on the character of the "name caller."

So much for civility. Name calling does far less harm than the harm done to the reputation of and respect for the "name caller."

Jim Darow


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