
Which ad do you want on your record?

In the Jan. 19 Daily Herald was a page captioned "Let's Bring America Back To L-I-F-E. There was a whole page of names of supporters of life. My first reaction was, I'll bet every single name on that page ends up in heaven.

I cut that page out, and I put it in my abortion file. Then in my file, I found the full page ad from the June 23, 2019, Daily Herald by "Catholics for Choice." The ad thanked God for the Illinois lawmakers who made sure abortion would be legal in Illinois right up to the day of birth. It was a jaw-dropping, embarrassing and shameful ad. Who on earth would go out of their way to pay for such an ad to appear in the paper?

Well, unlike the pro-life ad, there were no names on the Catholics for Choice ad. But God knows who was behind it. Like me, he cut that ad out of the paper and he put it in the files of everyone involved. Some day, when you get to the Pearly Gates, which ad do you want in your file?

Abortion is legal, it always will be. Even if it were struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court, which it won't be, it would go back to the states, and we all know that it would be kept legal in Illinois forever.

There is no need to advertise your sins, you know, the one about - Thou shall not kill. Go ahead, be pro-choice, just don't advertise it, or put your name on it. God is watching.

Bill Hartman


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