
Letter: Hate and ignorance are our enemies

While it is obvious to anyone who has the intellect to see and understand the facts, or the open mindedness to see the truth, Donald Trump is an unfit, unstable, habitually lying, narcissistic threat to this great country and the world.

However, it's not Trump we should fear as much as it is hate and ignorance.

When people only spew the lies of Fox News despite evidence to the contrary, it's discouraging to say the least.

Or when people say "read the manuscript" who obviously haven't, or don't have the capacity to understand, it's discouraging.

Or when people say "drain the swamp" when the swamp is overflowing, it's discouraging.

And worst of all are those who are too ignorant to understand the harm a habitually lying leader does to our youth and the distrust it creates around the world.

Hate is born out of ignorance, and discord and divisiveness are a symptom of lies.

When we have an habitual liar in the White House and he expects his supporters to believe the lies unconditionally, despite the facts to the contrary, in essence isn't Trump and the Republican Party calling his supporters ignorant?

Bruce Parker

Arlington Heights

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